I got covid. Here are some links.

After more than two years of anxiously worrying that I had covid every time I had a headache, I was somehow still shocked to finally get a positive diagnosis. I felt shitty, but in the usual way I feel when I’m getting a head cold. I’d stayed up late one night writing and had been working in a chilly room and skipping lunch. I was due to feel a bit poorly. I hadn’t been minding myself. This was my penance. 

It’s been more than a week, and I still felt like shit. My voice is entirely gone and I am exhausted, though I do feel a bit more like myself. The despair has passed and I’m at least able to enjoy being sick. I’m writing these words from the couch next to some book friends that are keeping me company. I am lonely, unable to use my voice to communicate but have gotten accustomed to texting my girlfriend from across the room. 

And because life rarely sends challenges singularly, I am also recovering from laser eye surgery. My eyes have healed well though there were a few days of channeling my inner Bono and wearing sunglasses indoors. I started work on an essay about the whole experience, which I’d still like to share but my brain is too glue-y to do it today. 

So instead, I have a monster list of links for you. A round up of the things I’ve been reading, watching, listening to and enjoying.

“Do I have to out myself to be treated like a person worth listening to?”

Motherhood as a mode of rebellion (& an excerpt from the book)

Ordered this book after reading the extract. 

“What’s more important, saving millions of children or potential abuse?”

Political performance anxiety.

I am often very critical of advice columns, but this one is great. 

Every billionaire is a policy failure.”

The good little girl syndrome.”

It is a strange feeling sometimes, to feel both welcomed and invisible.”

"The reality is the sport is deeply misogynistic, clubs often excuse it if not outright enable it, and players are powerful, wealthy men who know the system will work in their favour"  

Watched and loved Coda before I too was relying on hand gestures and texting to communicate. 

“We Need To Talk About Cosby” was compelling viewing. This review made me think too. 

Killing Eve came to an end. Highlighted a lot of this smart piece.  

Some stunning photographs + the 2021 world nature photography awards

A nude older lady? CLICK!

Partners is back. Loved these two episodes with Jenna Wortham and Wesley Morris, and Roxane Gay and Debbie Millman

This kept me company as I tried (& failed) to sleep. 

Gotta read this book now. 

A way of thanking her

Liz Gilbert talks about her beloved’s death. 

Adding this podcast to my list. 

Made me laugh. 

Made my skin crawl.

Yet another reason to deactivate my twitter account. 


A (belated) Happy Pride & some links


My latest column (& a reading list on diet culture)